> 15 year old investing in stocks?

15 year old investing in stocks?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
You need a parent to do it and you have to use a brokerage under American law. There is no choice. You can use a discount broker, but it is unlikely any discount brokerage would allow a 15 year old to invest in penny stocks. To do anything that is not "plain vanilla," you must first show you have the years of practical experience, education or training to do it. At fifteen you lack all of the above. Also, having been a professional investor, I would take so much money from you its unreal. At your age, experience, level of skill and education you cannot beat me, but I can take money from you like you just threw money up into the air for anyone to grab.

Pick up a copy of "The Intelligent Investor," by Benjamin Graham. Read it, understand it. If you disagree with it or don't want to do it, then give your money to your parents and tell them to take care of it because you want to win. Its long since proven to work.

After you read the book take a High School bookkeeping class. You will need to do well in it in order to win. Once you are done with that class then buy the book "Security Analysis" by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd.

Again, if you go "I am not going to do all that, " then give it to your parents so you can win.

I'm 15 years old and have about $2,500 saved up and would like to invest in stocks. What do I have to do in order to invest? I prefer to do it myself and not go to a brokerage. Where do I find out hot stocks or penny stocks? I realize I have to be 18 but kids my age invest in stocks.