Someone else said "once demand fades, your investment diminishes". Again, that's true for ANYTHING. Supply and demand. Facebook is worth billions but if Facebook became less popular, it would become worth less or go bankrupt entirely. Saying "Once this demand fades away, your investment diminishes." is a truism and a redundant repetition.
Bitcoin is a currency. Now that is not all bitcoin is you can do a lot more with the architecture, but currency is its main application for the time being. So the question becomes; what can bitcoin as a currency do, better than the competition? How is it going to penetrate the market? Basically what is the sales pitch? Bitcoin has several advantages over fiat currency such as it cannot be inflated (the number of bitcoins possible is capped at 21 million and that's it). Your money is literally becoming worthless by about 3% points a year because the government keeps printing more of it. That cannot happen with bitcoin the amount is fixed. Bitcoin is borderless. For example the US uses dollars, but the UK uses pounds, France uses Euros, China uses Yaun, Japan uses Yen, Ugangda uses...who knows. All of them can accept bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first international currency.
The only advantages fiat currency has over bitcoin is that it is more widely accepted, and while it is inflationary it is not subject to the price swings that bitcoin is. Both of these are simply because bitcoin is new. A hundred times as many establishments will accept payment for goods and services in bitcoin compared to a year ago, and a thousand times as many compared to two years ago. Two or three years from now, it might be unusual for a store NOT to accept bitcoin. As for volatility, that's only because the market is small. As more users adopt bitcoin and the market cap grows, the volatility will be smoothed out because its spread over a larger user base so bitcoin will become more stable over the next few years as it attracts more and more mainstream adopters.
Is this set in stone? No. Bitcoin might crash and burn. But then so might Google, or Facebook, or Apple, or the price of gold bullion. Saying a "good investment is one that pays back more than you put in" is meaningless, because you cannot know the future. You need to invest in order to make the return but you don't know if it will at the time you make the investment. If we did, we would all be millionaires because we'd all know ahead of time which ones are good investments
All you can do is make the assessment of what you think is PROBABLY going to give you a return. A good investment is one that will most likely give you a good return. If you invested $10,000 in Google in 1994, was that a good investment? Well it certainly was you'd be a millionaire today, but that's hindsight.
I think bitcoin will be a good investment in the future. I'm buying up just now because I think 10 years from now it will be worth hundreds of times what it is today, but at the same time I'm not putting more money in than I can afford to lose because it is a risk that's just the facts of life.
Dip your toes in you can buy as little as $10 worth of bitcoin so start with that, get a feel for it. Understand how the technology works i.e. what the blockchain is, what private keys are, what paper wallets are, what future potential does bitcoin have, why bitcoin over say dogecoin or darkcoin etc. and as you get more comfortable, yeah why not put a bit of spare cash into it?
Everything in life involves a bit of risk, and if you never take risks you live a very boring life then you die. I'm not saying put your house on the roulette table its just a case of finding a nice balance.
I'll sell you a billion "Johan-bucks" for only US$1000. They're sort of like bitcoin, except I don't think any stores accept them. It's a great investment!
But seriously, no, they are not.
Penny stocks, also known as cent stocks in some countries, are common shares of small public companies that trade at low prices per share. They are notoriously risky but if you follow a special method I've learned you can earn good money at almost no risk. This is the site I use:
I definitely recommend subscribing to this site in particular. Very good research, quality stocks. I was a bit weary of penny stocks from all the bad hype they receive but this guy is pretty legit. He's put my mind at ease with a lot of the fears I've had. I especially like that he doesn't send out announcements left and right. I've signed up for other websites that fill my in-box with one company after the other. I don't know where to even start with so many choices in front of me! Nathan sends me one idea a week and that's all I need. Working so many hours during the week leaves me with very little time when I get home to start doing tons of penny stock research. I'm always eager to see what Nathan's next suggestion is each Friday and I love having time on the weekend to do my research.
As said above if you want to make money with penny stocks you have to follow some proven methods. This one in my opinion is the best:
Bitcoin appears to be a fad. You might profit, but more likely you could lose it all.
It's like asking are Euros a good investment? Well depends on your trading strategy. But if you happened to get some Euros for free, then yeah! There's free Bitcoins out there. So if you're worried about risking your money, just get some from a Bitcoin faucet. Also you they have sites out there like BTCclicks where you can earn free bitcoin just by visiting websites
In my opinion, yes. I've made over 3k profit from pcp website. Here's a link to one. Good luck.
There are three types of people who are interested in Bitcoin right now:
1) drug dealers, who want to keep their wealth hidden from the law.
2) anti-government libertarians who are paranoid the government will take everything.
3) speculators, who are only interested in getting bitcoins so they can buy dollars with them, not to buy other items with bitcoins.
Any of those sound like the type to entrust with creating a new medium of exchange?
An investment cannot be classified as 'good' unless you're receiving back more value than your original investment (ex. invest $1 in a company worth $5).
With any currency, especially bitcoins, you do not know what you're receiving back. Currency itself has no inherent value - the only reason it has value is because other people want it. Once this demand fades away, your investment diminishes.