Invest in the funds that invest in high quality blue chip stocks.Ask if they've got funds that are heavy in "defensive" stocks.
That's really not enough money to make it worth your while.
You cant even invest into stocks until 18.
No offense.
You can't invest in stocks because you are under age, you don't have enough money to make it work, and you don't know what you are doing.
A trial run would be after you learn about the market, and start following it on paper, or with a demo account.
Im 16 and i have a 500-600 dollar budget for stocks, how and where do i start. Do i use sites like e-trade or my local bank, this money is purely for recreation purposes i have read most of the stuff on how to save, not to go into penny stocks, and this money was set aside for me to use for this, im not expecting to double my money out of this but to gain some experience ( and make a little profit as i go) if i get more money like 2000, to spend later, this is like a trial run.