allocation fund. You will get a mix of stocks, bonds
and cash. One of the best funds of this type is from
Vanguard. The Wellington Fund (VWELX)
It is rated 5 star gold by
check out for Couch Potato Investing. ETF's are a low cost way to go.
If you are not interested in DIY check out Vanguard or Fidelity for their Target Funds: 2040 or something similar.
Experts say have 6 months of living expenses in the bank and diversify (like manure, spread it around)
slow but steady win the investing race.
One thing missing. Your attitude to risk.
If you are high earner, 25 years old, own property then you might prefer H=100%
If you are 70 years old, retired, renting property, small pension then you might prefer L+100%
One way top look at it is 100 minus Age=Equities (Risk) and the rest in bonds (low risk)
Hi All, what is the best distribution of the 100% Portfolio, I am talking about Funds and stocks but i am open to your recommendations
Investment = 100% = L% Low Risk + H% High Risk + M% Mid Risk + C% Cash
L = 40%
M =30%
H =20%
C =10% do i need to keep cash