I've been trading the market for just a few months. My cousin actually told me about this website ( I signed up immediately after. This is my honest review about their method. I'm not someone who has a lot of time to be researching for ideas because I work many hours. they made it incredibly easy for me to make money in the market. Their reports are easy to read and follow. I've tracked most of the stock ideas that I've received in my e-mail from them and MANY have seen some nice gains after their announcements. I've made a nice profit (55% return on my investment on one, and 112% on the other!) on a couple of suggestions he's given and plan to start trading his ideas a lot more.
For more info:
The secret word of trading success is "organized". You can't be successful without a strategy, a plan and some kind of technological support. I use a software called "autobinary signals" that is helping me a lot. There are plenty of them on the market. I recommend this one because it's very easy to use (you don't have to be an expert or have special skills to make money with it).
Check it out here. It's worth it:
Interactive Brokers
So, what's the top trading software for Day trading, short term investment and options? I saw Interactive Brokers and Cobra Trading have low commissions per share. I'm putting in $25k initially and will make ~15 trades daily. I want a platform that will complete an action as quickly as possible and reliable and offers extended hours trade. Doesn't matter whether it has a desktop program version.
Also ThinkorSwim by TD Ameritrade offers 500 free trades within 60 days, but after that, it's $9.99 per trade. Is that worth thinking about?