> Best way to invest / store 20k?

Best way to invest / store 20k?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Until you learn how to invest into individual companies

I would suggest you put that money into mutual funds.

Leave some money in a bank account for emergency

purposes. Best fund companies are, Fidelity, Vanguard

and TR Price.

You didn't give your time horizon for access to the money you want to invest. A S&P500 index fund might be the best option for such a small amount.

Why not buy a car for cash?


Your parents are probably the best source of answer for this.

I've been saving since I was 16 and had my first job at Sonic. I worked through college both part time and doing internships. I am now in my junior year of college and have around 22k saved up. I am lucky and my parents pay for my education, housing and food / gas through college. I plan to keep about $1000 for miscellaneous things I want to buy. I won't need the rest for years. (I have an inheritance of about 200k already invested that I will be using for a down payment and car) so my question is, what is the best place to put my excess saved money while I'm still in school?