> Bitcoin versus gold?

Bitcoin versus gold?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Yeah I agree with you. Bitcoin has no physical utility. Gold has historically been used as a currency because it is a useful element, is very difficult to counterfeit, and is easy to divide and use in exchange. Bitcoin is also difficult to counterfeit, can be used in exchange, and has a limited quantity. It is the limited quantity that makes it valuable. As people continue to use and accept bitcoin as a form of payment, the demand for it increases, but the supply stays the same. This scarce demand is what has caused the price to go so high. Of course if people lose confidence in it, or it becomes to difficult to use, people will sell and the currency will crash.

Bitcoin is no different than a lot of "fiat" currencies. Even the US dollar is just a piece of paper (if not just a number in a computer system). The only difference is that every American is forced by law to pay taxes using the stuff, and that's what keeps the demand high. As long as there remains a demand for bitcoin it will have value, but I'm personally pretty skeptical about it.

Both are losers. The IRS has declared bitcoin as a property

and thus you will pay tax on it if it goes up in value. Gold price

continues to go down in value.

mining bitcoin uses cpu power, but buying/trading/selling bitcoins does not. individuals no longer mine bitcoins, it's too difficult now. only big groups, pools, using ASIC miners are able to mine. Bitcoin value comes from what people give it. It's main utility is to give online without the need for banks or a central authority, which gives it value.

For mining I use https://cex.io/r/0/giunero/0 especially because you do not have electricity costs and hardware as and everything online, so you can stay even with the PC turned off.

Just buy the gh / s with bitcoin and begins to mine bitcoin and various other coins.

Think of your Bitcoin wallet like a PayPal account, no physical presence but it's still a currency. Like any currency, it's value can drop or rise. If you'd rather invest in Gold, go ahead.

Bitcoin is nothing like gold.

be careful, bitcoin is completely wild and could be worth zero or thousands any day

Bitcoin I have read that to create a bitcoin one needs to run a

computer program for weeks eating up lots of CPU time,hence wasting a lot of energy.

If we useup a lot of energy to mine gold we endup with a useful element that can be used in

the electronoic industry etc. A golden roof on your house could last forever.

Gold has utility, bitcoin cannot even wipe your *** if it looses it's value because it is not a physical thing.

Please explain in case I have misinterpeted this in some way.