> Buying silver?

Buying silver?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
There are certain people who will overpay for 'junk' silver just as there are those who will overpay for bullion, or anything. If you want to use those examples as your excuse for not buying 90% silver coins, that's up to you. You've hinted at your makeup by saying that you 'have no time or patience' to look for bargains. I'm not going to say that you're wrong, because everybody has their own idea of what their time is worth to them. I routinely buy my 'junk' silver for below 'melt', and If I don't find it at my price, I don't buy. I don't believe in paying a premium. If you feel that paying a 10% - 15% premium for Eagles is acceptable for the savings in time it gives you, I suggest continuing with that approach. Whatever works for you.

Thanks, also I keep in mind, in buying Eagles, that the are .999 silver not 90%. I will have a relook at eBay, I wonder if coin shops offer better value for junk?

Hi all. I have collected coins as a hobby in the past. Not a whole "ton", but a Franklin half collection and a 20th Century type set, so I know about the collector coin market a little. Lately I decided I would start buying American Eagles as an investment, have bought 10 so far, at what I consider a good price at an online seller of bullion.

What I keep hearing is the "best" way to buy silver is to buy junk 90% silver coins. I have only seriously looked on eBay to be honest, and also the online bullion seller I use also has junk silver coins. To me the price seems way out of whack, I regularly see junk coins selling for more than I would currently pay for the Eagles I buy.

So just wondering if I am missing something, like possibly coin shops have better deals? I know it's possible to find deals at estate sales but have little time or patience for that.

Am I just better off to buy like I have been, look for a small dip in prices and buy from established sellers for what seems like a good price? So far I have managed to get them for about $22/ea (May-June 2014)
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