> Can my grandma see my stock account?

Can my grandma see my stock account?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If she opened the account and re-investing the dividends, yes.

Hello, I have stock in a company. My grandma has been putting money into it since I was little. She puts her divedends into her grandkids accounts. Originally it was in my moms name and i was the joint owner of the stocks. Since then my mom transferred it to a different account into solely my name. I dont get along with my grandma or mother and it was a hassle to get the account into my name. I need some money for college and was wanting to sell some of the stock to get some money. My grandma said if i sold any of the stock she would stop putting money into it. Would she know if I sold it? if so, how? the account is in my name.... And im not sure if she could see it if i sold a couple.