If you buy one share on BP at $5.96, you own a tiny part of the company. Each year you will receive payment of a dividend.
In the case of BP the dividend yield is about 5.3% - so, that means you would receive $0.31588.
You would be correct that you get the £5.96 for each share held. However, that £5.96 is a yearly payout, usually paid out quarterly - or in this case, each quarter you would get about £1.49 for that share.
yes, except that usually companies pay out dividends between 1-2 times a year.
Lets say I want to buy one share of stock from BP on the London Stock Exchange.
If the latest dividend says 5.96
Then does that mean each week or month or whatever, I get paid £5.96 simply by owning one share of stock?