> Constanta Chamber of Commerce Abuse?

Constanta Chamber of Commerce Abuse?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you want to know also about Romanian chamber of commerce and abuses commited by them you can follow the link https://www.facebook.com/RomanianChamber...

If you want to find muck more about this issue you can follow this link https://www.facebook.com/AbuseCorruption...

Constanta Chamber of commerce abuse

Constanta chamber of commerce had commited abuses which affects Constanta entrepreneurs interest For example Constanta chamber of commerce director had refused to inform his menbers about businesses opportunites which bring more than 25% profit in less than 75 days and dozens of some other business opportunities which can bring Constanta chamber of commerce menbers ,different comercial advantages

Giving that i had considered this and some other abuses commited by the actual Romania Chamber of commerce so grave i had decided to make what in necessary in such a way when world wild entrepreneurs will search for this comercial institute in Romania ,

Constanta they can find apart of corruption acts commited by two Romanians chamber of commerce leaders who have been already arrested ,abuses comited by their reprezentant in Constanta etc

Giving that in this page i can not explain everything which had happened i had decided to create a facebook account where you can find everything about this issue

For this purpose you can make a search using the expression

""Constanta chamber of commerce abuse ""or follow this link After you do this we want you to announce more an more people about the corruptions and abuses acts because they can be anytime a victm of this corrupted institute