> Did I lose money in the stock market?

Did I lose money in the stock market?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Am not sure how you sold your shares before the trading opened. If you put in a sell order before the market opened, then, when the market opened, your shares were sold then (or soon after) at whatever the opening price was. Some shares trade in after hours. Does AAPL? If not, it can be risky putting in a sell order while the market is closed, that is, before it opens the next day because that is when the shares are sold, at whatever the opening price is. Did you think you were getting the closing price when you put in a sell order after the market closed? Sorry, no.

you really should of held them for longer ! have you seen there products that are coming out soon? You didn't make a very good decision in my opionion .

If there was a thin "profit" you could actually lose a bit of money because of the cost of selling.

" I don't understand how to opening/closing thing works. " you should have done that before purchasing your shares.

It depends on what price you bought them for originally. If you bought them for less than you sold them for then you make money. If you paid more than you sold them for you lose money.

Yesterday AAPL stock closed at 102.13 and I sold all of my shares this morning before the market opened at 101.59. I'm a new trader and I'm trying to figure out if I somehow lost money? I don't understand how to opening/closing thing works.