> Difference between bonds and shares?

Difference between bonds and shares?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Bonds are fixed investments which usually pay interest throughout their life, issued by governments or corporations.

Stocks are ownership which could pay dividends.

Stocks like Google don't pay dividends but appreciate in price due to their field of business.

You can start with basic finance publications, or even wikipedia to learn a bit more or take a class at your local community college in finance. Good Luck.

Stocks and bonds are financial instruments for investors to obtain a return and for companies to raise capital. Put very simply, stocks offer an ownership stake in the company and bonds are akin to loans made to the company.

Difference between Bonds and Share:-

Stocks, or shares of stock, represent an ownership interest in a corporation. Bonds are a form of long-term debt in which the issuing corporation promises to pay the principal amount at a specific date.

Stocks pay dividends to the owners, but only if the corporation declares a dividend. Dividends are a distribution of a corporation's profits. Bonds pay interest to the bondholders. Generally, the bond contract requires that a fixed interest payment be made every six months.

Every corporation has common stock. Some corporations issue preferred stock in addition to its common stock. Many corporations do not issue bonds.

The stocks and bonds issued by the largest corporations are often traded on stock and bond exchanges. Stocks and bonds of smaller corporations are often held by investors and are never traded on an exchange.

For more information you can go on this site:-

Shares are ownership, bonds are basically loans. Bonds can be from Governments, Local Authorities (Municipialities) or corporations.

Shares distribute part of profits as dividends (variable depending on profit and policy), bonds pay interest each year and repay the capital on redemption.

Obviously risks of varying degrees in both.

The best plan is to read a dummies guide on investing and THEN ask questions.


A??es s?o valores mobiliários de uma determinada sociedade an?nima ou comandita por a??es, que particularizadas definem como um todo o capital social das sociedades, atribuindo aos acionistas, titulares das a??es, respectivos direitos e deveres. Caracterizamos as a??es como bens móveis. Segundo Fabio Ulhoa, "A??es[...] representam unidade de capital social de uma sociedade an?nima que conferem aos titulares um complexo de direitos e deveres

Já o título de crédito é o documento necessário ao exercício do direito literal e aut?nomo nele contido, e que somente produz efeito quando preenche os requisitos da lei.

Os títulos de crédito contém no mínimo dois sujeitos envolvidos: o emitente (devedor) ou sacador e o beneficiário (credor). Em alguns casos, existe ainda a figura do sacado, um intermediário encarregado de pagar ao beneficiário o valor constante no título.

O título de crédito representa o direito de receber do credor e o dever de pagar do devedor, sendo aut?nomo da rela??o jurídica que lhe deu origem e, por essa raz?o, pode ser transferido livremente de um credor a outro, seja pela simples entrega (tradi??o), seja por assinatura de um possuidor em favor de outro (endosso).

Talentus 4: Escritório Virtual.



A bond is a loan and you're (usually) guaranteed payment of what you lent plus interest. A share is part ownership of a company and there are no guarantees. You get what someone is willing to pay for your share which could be nothing if the company goes out of business.

I suggest you learn what a bond and a share are first, then then you can learn observe what the differences are.

I just have to do a little explanation for some forms of investment but I am pretty confused about the difference?

Aren't bonds run through the government? And do they have interest rates as well as shares or am I completely wrong?

Thanks in advance