> Dividend question?

Dividend question?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
you will usually get partial shares if for instance you have 10 share and goe enought for a partial share your 10 will become say 10.4 shares

You can only reinvest dividends if the company has a SCRIP or DRIP dividend scheme. With a SCRIP schemeshares are bought if there is enough money and the balance is remitted as a cheque. With a DRIP scheme any fractional money is retained by the company and added to the next dividend

Some stock brokerage offer partial stock, but some give all in cheque. It is depend on your stock brokerage farm.

If you decide to reinvest dividends but on the payment day the total dividends arent enough to count for a new share do you simply get a check in the mail and no new shares or do you somehow have partial ownership of a share?