> Does anyone have faith in XTRM?

Does anyone have faith in XTRM?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
It's a marijuana company that, for almost five years, hasn't had its stock price go up at all. I highly doubt it. If their alternative fuel was in demand, it would've been in demand ages ago.

Do what others would do: Dump $20 on it, and forget about it for a year or two. See if it turns out to be a winner.

Oh Hemp! historically used for paper and rope fiber and rumored to be made illegal as a crop by logging industry owners. Biodiesel sounds like a gimmick that will always see political resistance. Better known for using waste cooking oil, I don't know how efficient growing Biodiesel can be. Have to wonder if it's a backdoor to setup for future legal pot farming.

Corn based Ethanol is widely criticized as political pork, that depletes water supplies raises food costs and consumes fossil fuels in the growing process making it a near break even ecologically. Brazil's sugar cane Ethanol model is much more practical.



The subdivision http://xtrmcannabisventures.com/

Hemp clothing is an interesting application http://store.hempest.com/catalog/

I recently got very interested in this one company, Extreme Biodiesel. I know they're extremely cheap, which was a contributing factor of why I chose to invest with them lol and I like what they're doing. My question is: does anyone have genuine faith that they'll "Make it?" As in, you think a company that' costs so little could ever come up with a huge alternative to oil consumption?