> Forex courses in college?

Forex courses in college?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
The first thing I would like to say is that if you wish to get into Forex market, it is not about investing but trading. Investing is done from a long term perspective and if you are using leverages then there is a very high probability of making big losses during any market consolidation even if the currency pair is in a long-term trend. You may see a chart at the bottom of http://www.forexabode.com/forex-forecast... which shows the strong downtrend of USD/CHF over past 12 years. The same chart is being posted here for your ready reference. This chart indicates how you could have lost money during the market corrections even you would have been on the short-selling side for a long-term.

Well, that thing out of the way, let's come to the question now. Before you go to a school, it is always advisable to do some self study and then try your knowledge and skills on a Forex demo account. DO this for some extended period of time as short-term profits or losses do not give us the overall picture. A trader may keep earning for some time but then may lose whatever he has earned during another phase. While you are doing demo trading, keep reviewing your weaknesses and strengths. This will help in knowing the areas you need to improve when and if you go for a formal course.

As correctly mentioned by another person here, most of the training courses will be there to make money out of you. It is of no use that you lose money in training and then during your Forex trading career too.

Another most important point to keep in mind is that no one becomes successful in trading by having good technical analysis skills etc. I am not touching the point of Fundamental analysis as that topic is too large and would need years of studies. The maximum most of the retail traders do from fundamental angle is to keep an eye on important geo-political news and economic releases. You may find such analysis on the site mentioned in the "Source". The most important success, or failure factor, is your trading discipline. You will need to master that to be successful. Do check the psychological section of the same website as indicated above.

Hope this helps.

Attending a Forex course will "help", but it wont help very much at all. To be a consistently successful FX trader takes years and then only some people can master it that have the right traits. Nevertheless, the course will not be a waste of time as there is absolutely loads to learn and it will be a great introduction. Its important to be realistic though; no-one can become a profitable trader overnight - it takes experience.

There are no forex schools but you can get the knowledge about forex in all business courses in higher studies.Forex can be learnt online without any hassle.You need to understand the stock market working and then trade because it is a riskier business and you can lose all what you have hardly earned.First trade with virtual currency to get do's and dont's of this business

No. And I would suggest that the only people who make money from these classes are the "colleges" themselves. The FX market is not a place for individual investors.

I'm attending my first semester in college and I found out that they have Forex trading courses. I've known about Forex for quite some time but I barely know anything about it. I would like to invest in the "currencies market" in the future but will taking a couple of college courses help me become a successful trader?