Look up venture capital online and you will find many potential sources.
Good ideas are a dime a dozen.
Going from idea to profitable enterprise is as wide a gulf as between the earth and the moon.
Figure out how much you will need (then double or triple that amount)
Then make a list of everyone you know that has "investible funds".
Make a second list of people that can introduce you to "strangers" with "investible funds".
Then, see if you can get close to what you need..
If not, go on Shark Tank.
Write up a Business Plan and go to the bank with it...if THEY won't give you the money, then your idea is not quite as wonderful as you think!
I believe i have the best Website Project idea that will make millions of dollars if successful. i am currently stuck at a point where i don't know how to get the project to the public because i don't have the required funding.
I don't want to share the idea on here due to potential idea theft but i guarantee it's a brilliant idea and will generate a lot.
Where do i move from here? How do i find proper investors for my project?
Please help