Go to you bank, get a check made out to E-trade, put your account number on the check and either mail it to Etrade or deliver it to one of their offices
it's that simple
I recommend you go open a savings and or checking account with a Credit Union. Compared to banks they usually charge less in fees and pay more in interest.
If you aren't already working you will eventually want an account to have your pay direct deposited - you might as well do it now.
You don't really set up a debit account you set up a checking account and get a debit card so that the funds will come out of this account. You can write checks or use the card.
You should be able to link your checking or savings account to Etrade and do an ACH money transfer (electronically) to get your funds to your new account. Or you can send them a check from your new checking account. If for some reason you are totally opposed to opening a checking account then you should be able to get a cashiers check from a bank and mail that directly to Etrade.
I've been trading the market for just a few months. My cousin actually told me about this website (http://pennystocks.toptips.org)and I signed up immediately after. This is my honest review about their method. I'm not someone who has a lot of time to be researching for ideas because I work many hours. they made it incredibly easy for me to make money in the market. Their reports are easy to read and follow. I've tracked most of the stock ideas that I've received in my e-mail from them and MANY have seen some nice gains after their announcements. I've made a nice profit (55% return on my investment on one, and 112% on the other!) on a couple of suggestions he's given and plan to start trading his ideas a lot more.
For more info: http://pennystocks.toptips.org
For open A/c Provide your financial details, contact information, and then choose a login name and password for accessing A/c.after this you need to deposit your fund to start investing. You can transfer money from a bank account or credit card with the eTrade Quick Transfer tool.
for more information about e-trade consult with online e-trade advisor.
Not sure why you'd want to specify a "debit" account. You could just open a regular savings or checking acct IF you want such an acct. If you'd rather not open a bank acct at all, they'll be happy
to accept a direct deposit, I'm sure. (Money order from WalMart? or any bank)
E-Trade has a bank itself, so why not just give them a call and ask them the best way for you to make an initial deposit.
If you do open a new account at a regular bank, be sure to check those monthly service fees you might be getting yourself into.
First of all you need a bank account and PAN card.
To invest in stock market you need DEMAT account for that you should consult stock market broker.
Ex: Angel, bonanza, steel city.etc
You fill the application and submit pan card and 6 month's bank statement.
Finally you start buying and selling shares.
Open an account, and then get a cashier's check payable to e-Trade and send it or drop it off at one of their offices (I assume they have offices, I know scottrade does).
I'm 18 years old and I have about 2,000 dollars saved up. I want to start investing in the stock market , I don't have a bank account either.
Can I open up a debit account then transfer money from there to etrade? Or how does this work ?