> How can a 15 year old invest 2000 dollars?

How can a 15 year old invest 2000 dollars?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
It depends what your risk tolerance is. So in descending order of insanity I'd go with

1. Bitcoin. Very young market, but already seen insane gains. I hold bitcoin and I'm holding them like grim death for the next 5 years minimum as I think that by 2020 the bitcoin unit price will be 200 to 500 times what it is today. But like I said this is definitely a risky bet but the potential gains are astronomical.

2. Precious metals. Gold and silver have been around for 5000 years. They aren't going anywhere. Both gold and silver are undervalued right now, which means the price is going to increase in the future. Especially silver. Silver is naturally about 12 times more common than gold, but its one 63rd the price. That's screaming "buy buy buy" for silver because that means silver is currently priced much lower than its actually worth. If silver went to 1/12th the price of gold, that's about 5 times your money.

It could actually be higher than that since the amount of silver in circulation is SMALLER than the amount of gold because silver has infinitely more industrial uses than gold (especially in high end electronics, smart phones and things like that) so its going to become sought after metal. $2,000 buys you a lot of silver at today's prices.

3. Human need. This is the stock market and personally right now I would not touch the stock market with a 10 foot pole. However, there are some low risk choices and that's human need. "Human need" are your basics things like food, water and electricity. The stuff we need to live. Investing in an electricity supplier isn't exactly glamorous, but its stable. These stocks tend to be recession proof because economy or not people need to eat and heat their homes.

4. Savings account. I'm actually including this just to tell you not to do it. Putting your money in a savings account is like very slowly setting fire to it. Inflation is the rate at which money loses value. Officially its about 2% per year. In reality its more like 9%. That means you put your money in a savings account, and you get 9% poorer every year. A sacrifice to the inflation elves. Even a really "good" savings account might only pay 2% interest, that's still 7% net loss.

Always remember the "rule of 72". What you do is divide the inflation rate into 72, and that gives you the half life of your money. So if the inflation rate is 9%, that means your money loses half its value every 8 years, which means by the time you are 31, your $2,000 is only equivalent to $500 today.

If a person has no knowldge and skills about Forex then it will be very difficult to trade in Forex. But if you use the right software you can make very good profit. The best software is called "autobinary signal". If you aren't a big expert this software is the only way to earn good money in Forex.

Honestly bro, I'm 15 as well, Iv'e made over 250k online, Add me on facebook! Let's get you some cash flow!


fidelity is a low risk stock place. i invested 3000 in them when i was 17 and now four years later its grown over 1000$! i still havent exchanged it. but i would reccomend doing that.

Hello, I'm 15 and currently have around 2000 dollars in my possession, maybe a little less. Just for starters I love money. I want my money to grow on its self over time. What are something's I can invest in to multiply my money until I am old enough to get a job after college.