> How can schools like itt tech still be in business?

How can schools like itt tech still be in business?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Young people do not understand the realities of what the world is all about. A degree from any school can help you but that's not the only thing employers look at. They look at how you dress, talk, write, how thin or fat your are... how OLD you are... how friendly you are...how handsome or pretty you are... how much hair you have, how you SMELL... and a hundred other things. Getting a job is a dog-eat-dog competition. Then when you get the job, now they assault you with overwork and underpay. Companies are starting to use tactics such as researching your history on google.... monitoring your phone conversations on company phones... and video-camera monitoring of your work... and computer statistics of your performance (called six-sigma).

Here is the answer to all of this junk. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Then you will not be a part of all that OPRESSION and tyranny of working for someone else. The proposition of WORKING used to be a good deal. You work HARD and you get more money and move up in the organization. NOW... if you work hard, you will not get anything except the opportunity to keep your job another day to make the company OWNERS rich. Hard work no longer pays the worker. Wise up while you are young. Start your own business. Wish I had done that when I was young. Now I am older and stuck working for peanuts.. with an associates degree in electronics and 40 years experience repairing circuit boards down to component level. But I am old... fat... bald.... so jobs are difficult to find now. Don't be a schmuck like me. Start your own business and you will avoid those problems as you get older.

You have pointed out a scandal that few care about. The amount of student loan debt (which includes the fly-by-night trade schools as well as Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, among all the others) is staggering. An anchor that will drag down many unsuspecting former students.

Caveat emptor

(the government is in cahoots with the schools, so they don't care)

I have my own business. I can easily make 100,000 to 200,000 a year.

when they scam their students they tell them they can get these jobs when in employer's usually don't hire itt grads they don't get the high paying jobs. they over charge students for a worthless degree that is not worth its amount paper. they pick the ones who did not get good grades in school and lie to them about what their degree can get them. how can the government let them do this.