Even if you become the most knowledgeable person in the world does not guarantee you will be able to profit from that knowledge. Nobel Prize winner Myron Scholes is a good example, when he and others crashed Long Term Capital Management and almost broke the system before the gov't bailed them out.
Cramer is a salesman and actor, not a trader, and does not trade futures anyway. You don't learn trading from a salesman that thinks every noise in his head is legitimate, or from someone w/o a legitimate track record.
The fastest way to learn would be with a mentor. How long will it take?
From one mentor:
Most traders we speak with have learning curves that have cost them between $15,000 and $70,000 and up to two years in time.
Before you trade, develop a trading plan. That will give you the setup, trigger, stop, profit target, risk, and risk/reward ratio. If you don't have a plan or can't trade the plan, you got nothing.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of setups and triggers (indicators/trading systems), so pick one. But concentrate fully (the most important part of success-fully) on sound trading strategies. This is the hardest part, because it generally goes against human emotion. This is why most traders fail -- think about it -- we all have access to the same 1,000 different trading systems and same data and information. Only a few can overcome the psychological barriers preventing them from being consistent.
Read David Nassar's book, Rules of the Trade to develop a plan, and Mark Douglas -- Trading in the Zone to confront your personal trading demons. There is no one size fits all, or single answer.
best bet is to read Jim Cramer's books first (there are at least three good ones on investing). Then open a discount brokerage and speak to the discount broker in person about your required margins and investments (usually there is a minimum of cash to keep in the account like $1000) prior to your trading. You can experiment on paper by buying futures (go to the yahoo.com and go to finance and put in the symbol VIXY this is the etf for volatility futures, you can see that it has traded between about 17 and 54 a share so far in the last 52 weeks. Keep in mind you do NOT have to have a futures account, you could just trade etf's which are futures baskets, like VIXY or wisdom tree WDTI.
You have to learn about the futures trading means to watch the day to day operation of the company and what are the selling and purchasing price of the company securities and the commodities.The know the arbitrager, broker, speculator what is the position of that company. In this learning way is to teach you how to participate in the futures trading market
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