> How do you embrace failure?

How do you embrace failure?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you are going to be involved in investing in anything, be it stocks or bitcoins, you are going to miss opportunities more times than you can count. I bought 5,000 shares of Ford at the very bottom of the 2008-2009 depression for $1.50 and thought I cleaned up when I sold them at $3.85 a few months later. Ford peaked at $18 a share. Do I kick myself? Yes. But life goes on.

Wow that's awful. You got a once in a lifetime call wrong and now will never have another shot.

There's no positive there, but although it didn't work out for you at least you made the right technical decision.

There's no reason for a bitcoin to be worth 6 cents or 1 cent. Small consolation I know.

According to a recent article in BusinessWeek, many companies are deliberately seeking out those with track records reflecting both failure and success, believing that those who have been in the trenches, survived battle and come out on the other side have irreplaceable experience and perseverance. They’re veterans of failure.

The prevailing school of thought in progressive companies―such as Intuit, General Electric, Corning and Virgin Atlantic―is that great success depends on great risk, and failure is simply a common byproduct. Executives of such organizations don’t mourn their mistakes but instead parlay them into future gains.

- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/why-failu...


shoulda coulda woulda - pointless


What good is it regardless of the 'price' if you can't take it out, like what happened to the so-called millions held by Mt Gox, which at one time was the biggest exchange? Bitcoin is totally unregulated and you have no protection against another collapse.

Well it's 650 today and likely to go up to 900$ in the next few months!

Here's your chance to make money ;)

I was going to buy bitcoins when it was 6 cents a piece, then I was going to buy $200 worth at that point. when it was $10 a coin, I was going to buy, $2500 worth of bitcoin at that time.. Now its like $500 a piece and I don't think its going down that much more. Godammit if I listened to myself I would've been a millionaire.

Please tell me how to go back in time and just tell myself to do it.