> How do you invest/trade?

How do you invest/trade?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Yes I do have a degree in a financial field, and currently I work as the C.E.O for a company called"Metrologic. I do consider myself a successful investor. Being a passionate investor for almost 4 years now i have made an approximate profit of 230,000$ over the course of those past four years. Investing is not what one would call "a easy process" it requires an individual to act and behave strategically in response to the market and it's fluctuations (rapid increases and/or decreases in the market prices of assets). Here is a game which simulates real life investing and teaches you what type of investing is right or wrong.


1.)Do you have a degree in a financial field?

a.)Yes b.)No

2.)In what industry do you currently work?

3.)Do you consider yourself an investor or a trader?

a.)Investor b.)Trader

4.)What qualities/quantities do you use when selecting a stock?(more than 1 may apply)

a.) P/E Ratio b.)Price to Book ratio c.)Dividend Yield d.)Market Capitalization

e.)Average Volume f.)Moving Averages g.)Trend Lines h.)Alpha i.)Beta j.)Volatility

5.)Is potential return the only factor you consider when making an investment decision?

a.) Yes b.) No

6.)Do you believe beating the market is an achievable goal?

a.)Yes b.)No

7.) Is an ethical company important for your investment decisions.

a.)Yes b.)No

Situational Questions

8.)_________________ 9.) _______________10.)

Price: 59_____________Price: 312_________ Price: 15.62

Market Cap: 150B______Market Cap: 143.15B_ Market Cap: 61.62B

P/E: 97______________P/E: 528.29________ P/E: 18.87