> How long would this take?

How long would this take?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Moving out now is a bad idea. You may very well run short on money and then have to beg to get back in at home. Stick it out for those last few months until you get your diploma, then you can go for a full time job and you have a better chance to succeed. I also would recommend that that you take some evening classes at your local community college, because people with an Associate's degree earn 50% more in their lifetime than with a H.S diploma only. I have been in that very situation myself in my youth, so I can sympathize with you.

Just a wild guess. Working 20 hours a week, you would get slightly over $600 a month before taxes. I don't think you can find an apartment for that amount of money, plus you need food, laundry, furnishings. Personally, I don't think you can make it.

Im 17 and in the 12th grade, i will be turning 18 in the beginning middleish of next school.year. im.not happy with my home life and think i coukd do better. So now im goin to get a job,.and save up for a car and an apartment. How long woud this take?

Id be working for 7.85 and hour and id be a part time worker.

Any tips?