> How make recidule income with $15,000.00 to invest?

How make recidule income with $15,000.00 to invest?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Here are the irrefutable facts about earning residual (interest or dividends) on an investment:

Risk free CD = about 1% or $150 per year

Same for money market or US treasury funds

Total market bond fund = about 3.5% per year or $525 per year

S&P 500 index fund = varies but maybe 7% or $1,050 per year (or maybe -7%)

Aggressive mutual fund = varies but average about 11% or $1,650 (or maybe -11%)

Invest in a small business = a 90% chance of losing it all, 10% chance of making much more than the above

The point of the above examples are that with increased reward comes increased risk.

The ongoing "residual income" you could realistically expect to make off of $15,000 would be between $750/year (at 5%) and $1,500 a year (at 10%)...so that's between $14.42 a week and $28.84 a week...

You would do better to invest it in a low-cost Growth Mutual Fund and just pretend it doesn't exist for 25-35 years....THEN it might grow into something useful...

****, my portfolio is nowhere close to being "diversified" and pull in about %30 interest off them every 6 months...I suppose you could say it's something like "swing trading". I really appreciate all the input but I'm looking for savvy investments with higher calculated risk....yet i believe that all depends on the investor and his personal assessment of trends and market analysis. Thanks again, maybe I should just take some educated gambles on some more ETF's

Consistent income on $15K isn't going to be very much.

So you want me to give you MY idea on how to make money for free? That makes a lot of sense.

I'm receiving a settlement for my share of an estate that sold, i will be receiving about 18k, i need this money to make me more money and for the income to be consistent, im smart and am open to ideas.