> How much should I save each year?

How much should I save each year?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you can, invest in the companies 401k plan.

Try a Roth IRA with some mutual fund.

At 19 most people do not really think of the future so first be proud of yourself its a smart plan.

In life you will need short term investments and long term investments and retirement pots too.

Never assume anything is safe, because even with a company retirement plan the plan can like every other thing go bust, before you retire. So a better option is to spread it around and have other sources of income by then so it wont hurt so much - losing $1 hurts!

Property is usually low risk - but even that carries a risk and property is a long term investment. Rents can give you back money each month, and its sale could probably put one of your children through college. It can also be borrowed against to help you in other things along lifes path.

Investing in high risk - as long as its money you can afford to lose, can be quick gains, but as said its high risk.

Combining options is by far the best plan, invest in multiple properties, multiple stocks, multiple businesses, gives you low,medium and high risk - AND still keep your day job!