You will save a small fortune paying your credit card bills IN FULL every month. {and gain even more if it is a rewards card.}
Pre-pay bills when it is advantageous. Example: if you prepay a year's worth of car insurance at $1100 instead of doing 12 x $100 - - that $100 savings is a return of 9% ...
^^ and all of those savings are TAX FREE !! ... and your financial life will be smoother and better.
I'd wait until you're finished with college and employed full time first. For now, just concentrate on saving up a cash "emergency fund."
"Trading stocks" is not the intelligent way to invest, despite what the brokerage industry tries so hard to convince people. Get a copy of "Investing For Dummies" - it's the best investment (no pun intended) you can make to educate yourself. Good luck.
Wait until you are done. Graduate first and get a job.
I am currently a 20 year old in college. I'm paying for college entirely myself (which will cost me around 80k when it's all said and done) and I am working at an internship right now making decent money.
Obviously most of this money will go towards paying for college, but I've always wanted to try investing some of my money. If I did, I wouldn't be able to invest more than a few hundred dollars initially, so my question is whether or not it is worth it to even start. My hope is to invest some money, and have a little extra when I graduate to help pay off my loans. So if anyone has any tips/advice or anything of that nature that would be great.
I'm completely new to the world of finance, and I know it's not something you just want to dive headfirst into without a lot of research first. What are the best websites to trade stocks on? What are the best to learn about investing on? And again, is this all even worth it?
Thank you for anyone who takes the time to answer!