It's easy to start a brokerage firm.
Just decide what type of brokerage firm you want to be (and "on-line" is not a choice). Do you want to deal directly with the public, or do you want to deal with other brokerage firms - regardless of what you decide, be prepared to deposit at least $25,000
Decide how you are going to clear your trades, if you are going to do your own clearing, be prepared to join a clearing agency and deposit $50,000, install a computer system with capibilities of high speed communications and major industry networking, this should cost yu only $100,000 - $200,000. You will need a small staff of people this can be done for another $75,000
If you're going to have another firm do your clearing be prepared to deposit $50,000 with that firm
Once you apply for registeration with the SEC, the cost for this nothing, you will have to apply for membership with FINRA
Both the registration and application should take about three months.
Be prepared to provide FINRA with certfied copies of you financial statement indication net capital of at least $25,000, alos provide them with a copy of you blanket bond insurance coverage (this should cost you a few thousand dollars)
Make sure you are fully registered with FINRA and have all your licenses in place. While your at it, make sure you file with all the municipalities in your area and those in which you will be doing business.
While you're at it, you will need an accounting firm to agree to do you annual certifified audits.
I have established several brokerage firms including my own and for others. Judging by the wording of your question you not ready to own your own firm, but to be licensed for another.
First you go to online brokerage R us and buy a back office system, then you buy a bunch of computers, then you acquire the necessary licenses, then you hire people to run the place.
There's a LOT of regulations and licenses that you need to go through before attempting this. This is more of an attorney type question than something that can be answered on Yahoo Answers.
so what the 1st, grade school studing my e-mails