> Huge stock profits?

Huge stock profits?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
In the past three days, Sprint traded in a band between 8.67 and 8.88. That's not plus or minus 50 cents.

But the real answer to your question is that you don't know which is the bottom of the fluctuation range and which is the top. It's clear when you look back at a chart, but you can't predict it going forward because stocks trend in addition to those fluctuations.

That's the Stock Market!!

IF there are sellers at $8 you can certainly buy at $8 and later, IF there are buyers at $8.30 then you can certainly sell at $8.30.

That is going on all the time but notice the IFs!!

Looking at general stock, e.g., SPRINT

Sells at $8/share +/- 0.50 cents on any given day (unless there is a huge fluctuation0

If you have $25000 to invest;

can you not BUY about 3000 shares at say $8.00/share and later SELL in the same day for $8.30?

The volume per day is in the millions, so would there be buyers for the 3000 shares at any instant during one single day?