Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Asked often. Just type "books investing" in the Search Answers box above and you'll get lots of references.


Fundamental analysis or technical analysis?

Self help books are great confidence builders, but give you no practical application or experience in trading. If you want information about trading, read books by a trader, like David Nassar's Rules of the Trade, and Trading in the Zone, by Mark Douglas.

Feeling confident about something only comes with experience; knowledge applied, like any vocation.

Getting Started In Stocks


Five Minute Investing: How To Evaluate A Trading Strategy


The Cardinal Sin Of Beginning Investing -- And How To Avoid It


Read a good beginner book, like Investing For Dummies, and the Millionaire Next Door to get a feel for the markets.







Investing books

O'Neil, William J.- How to Make Money in Stocks

Schwager, Jack - Stock Market Wizards

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay

The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham

One Up on Wall Street, by Peter Lynch

Common Stocks, Uncommon Profits, by Philip A. Fisher

Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets by Stan Weinstein

Stocks for the Long Run, by Jeremy Siegel

Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered, by Gallea

Spare reading - the best short-seller in history - Jesse Livermore

Lefevre, Edwin - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Good day i'm 18 years old and have managed to rake up $500 which i gave no use for anytime soon. Now i'm thinking of investing but i have no idea of where to start. They dont teach this kind of thing in chemistry or physics class if you get what i mean. Now my questions:

1. How do i get started on this? I read somewhere that warren Buffer read about 100 investment books before he turned 20. I think i can do that too so i need the names of the books. By the way i already read Rich dad poor dad

2, Each year i think i can save about $800-$1000 so what can i do with it. How do i add it to the initial $500?

I know this is kinda long but i'm a newbie in this area so thanks for understanding

PS: Most importantly i dont live in the states. I currently reside in Russia