Be honest that you know nothing about investing. People here are trying to help by warning you about risks. Try being thankful rather than arrogant.
If you fall for deceptive advertising for penny stocks and other get-rich-quick schemes, you will lose what little money you have accumulated working in food service.
Read the SEC warning about US penny stocks. Great free investment education.
How does Trading Work? I can say you that take a look at this site ( ) may be it can help you. It 's one of the best course about trading. It seems like Trading is almost totally based on Macro-economics. It also strikes me that since there are not nearly as many currencies as there are stocks/bonds/derivatives etc etc, there must be a large number of market players in each currency bracket. So logically, currencies must be very liquid true? Also, what is the risk of Currency trading, high or low? When I read the business section every day I notice that the Canadian loonie moves hardly a tenth of a cent on a regular basis (in comparison to the US dollar). So it seems like theres very little room for growth in currencies unless you leverage. On that note, whats the maximum leverage permitted for forex trading. I know in stocks its x2, and in derivatives its x10. Anyway the only way to know how to start a profitable buisness is by following some methods like the one that I suggested.
Then you have NO IDEA AT ALL how stocks work, foolish child!
You can't "trade stocks globally" unless you have a TAXPAYER ID for every nation on Earth! How would you file to pay taxes on any gains you make, or get credit for any losses?
You CAN invest in Penny stocks in Australia by simply opening a brokerage account using your Aussie Taxpayer ID, putting your money in the account, and doing it...
(But since you weren't smart enough to understand you cannot buy actual stocks issued in other nations, I predict you will very quickly lose your money if you do that...)
Good luck trying to prove me wrong!
You won't get anywhere with this for $2000.
If you are trading at least £5k regularly then contact me.
Who cares if it is risky, if you have the resources to sensibly invest your money into high risk investments then no one can stop you.
If you haven't got the resources then no sensible, responsible broker will take your money for such high risk stocks.
As I have said before you won't get anywhere (except with scammers) if you open your hand and say you only have $2k to invest.
You need a bit more persuasion, even if you are bluffing!!
You have a lot to learn which makes me suspect you are not wise in taking the course you intend to take.
There are lots of cheapish stocks that are properly listed and will give you half a chance.
How about Lynas (LYC.AX) as you are in Oz?
please do not say "its too risky" or whatever.
Basically i live in australia, so i need a broker that trades internationally and also trades penny stocks.
and i am not wanting to deposit more than $2000.
could someone please refer me to a broker with such qualities ^