Seriously, putting all your money in silver would be quite risky. You'd be better off investing in something like a stock index fund. If you have your heart set on investing in precious metals, go slow, and limit it to a portion of your portfolio as it may lose value. It's not the "safe harbor" some people in infomercials say.
15 pounds of silver? Worth what $4,800? Where are you going to store it? Under your mattress? What about thieves? What about a fire? In a bank vault? What if the bank suffers a "catastrophic" loss ?( earthquake, for instance) - your silver will be salvaged by the first looter on the spot.
I can "understand" your questioning the value of the US currency in the future. Washington DC has spent money faster and with as little regard than a drunken sailor on shore leave.
Our national debt is currently too high. Our unfunded future obligations dwarf even the current debt. Have interest rates rise 2 or 3 % and the current debt becomes unaffordable. The future obligations will have no possibility of being paid at full value. Or so the "experts" say.
If you adhere to the "doomsday" scenario, then "invest" in guns, ammo, MRE's, bottled water and first aid medical supplies Have a pocket full of silver (and gold) coins for barter for needed items.
Ammo will be "too valuable" to trade. Ammo should be "spent" one target at a time.
No. The price of silver is still overvalued. Wait until
it drops below $15 an ounce. At any price, precious
metals should only be a small part of your overall
investment portfolio.
Eh, not really. Precious metal tends to change value very frequently and it can be unpredictable when the economy could just collapse.