> I want to invest my money but I don't know where to start, anyone who is knowledgeable about it?

I want to invest my money but I don't know where to start, anyone who is knowledgeable about it?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Read about Warren Buffett. And do it like Buffett does it.

Buy (high) quality and hold for decades.

If you want a stock tip: Consider Facebook (FB) According to the "experts" the mobile market is going to be huge and FB is positioned to make a ton. Apple has told its suppliers to increase the manufacture of iPhones, which means prices will drop, which mean more people on mobile. Which means more mobile advertising, meaning more money for FB and GOOG. And so it goes.

(I bought some at 62 and now it is 75, but I have been wrong before) and by the way, Buffett wouldn't own FB but I also own PG, CAT,T, and DVY.

Read investing 101 from CNNmoney. That is a good place to start. If your just starting out you should look for low cost mutual funds like index funds. Something like fidelity: Spartin US equity index has a low 0.1% expense ratio. Mutual funds don't cost less than and most higher cost mutual funds don't match the return of the index. The fund names are (Fusex or Fusvx).

Read Jim Cramer's books before you invest

your local library has 100s of books on 'investing'.

best series is either "for dummies' or 'idiots guide to'