> If Obama is so bad, why did I make make 19% across the board last year as a Conservative investor?

If Obama is so bad, why did I make make 19% across the board last year as a Conservative investor?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Just a word to the wise here, o.k. The market isn't set up for you to make money on. The market is set up for them to make money on, at least this is the way it has been, imo, you are lucky this time, but not so the next time around. The way the market is, don't vest more than you can afford to lose. If it's a fair market, then both the investor and the market will be even.

That's just the point!!! The Obama economic policy has been great for the investor class at the expense of the working class. The fact that you are getting rich does little to help the 90 million who are unemployed or the record numbers of food stamps.

If you think Obama is the reason why your Portfolio went up 19% you better start selling, he will be out of office soon.

Only because Fed is pumping money into the economy, the market rallied DESPITE Obama, imagine if we had an economic friendly president. There would be tons of jobs and everyone would be happy.

An Obstructionist anti Obama congress....according to liberals.

Retired and yes it is very difficult to save money with Obama's inflation

Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. You can thank cost cutting , outsourcing and the FOMC

Because you are the typical Obama libtard liar.

even a blind pig finds an ear of corn once in a while. it is still a blind pig.