> If you are getting $11 a month interest on $50,000 what is the interest rate?

If you are getting $11 a month interest on $50,000 what is the interest rate?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Not enough to worry about - especially after taxes. A CD paying 1.2% would at least return $50 a month before taxes; but there are even better investment vehicles for this amount of money.

0.264% apr. using (($11 X 12 mo) / $50,000) * 100

You! sure won't be getting no $11.00 month interest on $50,000. be lucky to get 75 cents. The banks are screwing everybody.

0.264 %

Very little.

$11 / $50000 * 100 = interest rate per month

($11 * $20) / $50,000 * 100 = interest rate per year (ignoring the compounding period).