> Info on shares or savings account?

Info on shares or savings account?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Savings accounts have miserly interest payments. This means that you would just about keep up with the inflation rate, so look upon them as somewhere to park you savings, and nothing else. Dealing in shares personally has good potential, but without knowing what you are doing, would more than likely result in losing money. A better way, would be to open a Mutual Fund ISA: These are managed by financial "experts", so the investment decisions are made for you. You can drip feed into an account throughout the tax year, but need to open a new one for each following year. I recommend Fidelity as a good choice of Company(personal experience) to choose a fund from.


I am a student and have saved some money from part time jobs. I am looking to invest the money and would love some advice. I have heard of buying shares, but I don't know that works?

My friend tells me that he has a saving account (ISA) and recommends that I do the same.

But I want to do something else, can someone please explain to me how the share business works? What do I need to get started? Where do I buy the shares?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.