GBLX is presented as a biotech and research company. Those types of stock are high risk. The chart looks unimpressive.
OCEE is presented as a cement company in China (?) with a marijuana investment strategy. It is HQ in Canada.
Either the Chinese or Canadian would have my wallet closed. Those two countries have upped the ante on how to defraud people. I think China is going to petition for defrauding investors in the next Olympics : P. Canada's team will give China a run for its money err....... your money.
OCEE makes my skin crawl so much I would not touch any tip from the site as guilt by association.
Weed stocks are dead right now, but I think they will come back eventually . The sector is growing and more states will legalize . If and when California legalizes i am told that is the game changer because it's the 8th biggest economy in the world and most states will follow along. This sector will produce a lot of Millionaires in the years to come and these marijuana companies will do great. Saw a video on pot stocks asking if they are dead , I will post it
Sounds like a pump and dump deal to me.
You want to play the pot stocks? Buy a "basket" of 8-10 different ones. You will lose everything on all but one or two, but maybe those will skyrocket. Trying to pick a winner in that bunch is like betting horses, a losing proposition.
Any competent investor would tell you that these stocks are a waste of money. Most of these "companies" will end up broke. Don't do it.
Did you try to do a search on Google?
Weed is illegal under Federal law. Is there any part of this that is unclear to you?
I stumbled upon this website and subscribed at
They post that their top choice is GBLX which is GrowBlox Sciences Inc. here
They also recently posted that OCEE which is Nevis Capital Corp will become a 3-digit value stock tomorrow (it's worth $0.67 atm) here
Are these reports merely scams or are they legit? Also, should i invest in both these stocks if they are?