For stock broker commissions to NOT kill you, you can invest as little as $500 at a place like that only charge $4.95 per trade - you could but 5 shares of Apple for about $500
You would pay the price of the stock at the instant your order was put through, not the day's closing price,
In addition to the cost of the stock, you pay a commission to the broker.
you have the math correct
remember, the cost to trade is around $8 a trade, so it costs just the same to do 500 shares as it does to buy one share.
I am planning on investing, but I have no idea on how it works. I am trying to educate myself first before I give it a try.
how does it work?
how much can I invest?
apple's stock were at 99.62 at closing today. does that mean that I could purchase a share for that price?
if I wanted to purchase 500 shares @ 99.62 I would need to invest around $50,000 +?
enlighten me.