> Is 50,000$ a year?

Is 50,000$ a year?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Good for a just turned 21 year old with no college degree?

Depends on where you live, but yes. That's a pretty damn good income. Like Rob said, though, learn how to keep your money in your own pocket.

Dave Ramsey has some good financial advice. I don't believe in everything he says, but it is crucial to avoid debt and always save some of your earnings. His "debt snowball" idea is also really useful.

Another good book is Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Most of this stuff seems like common sense, and it's obvious once you read/hear it, but it's hard to implement in your everyday life. Just remember - if you want to live like no one else (no financial stress, no bankruptcy, no credit cards weighing down on you), you have to live like no one else (don't take on credit cards or car loans, don't play "keeping up with the Joneses"). Good luck and godspeed.

good , now go get a library card and learn how to

keep your money, not make others wealthy, earn more.

easy to get homeless even at 50 K a yr.

best way to start lossing money is a car loan for more

than 1/4 your yrly income.

makes others wealthy and u poor.

That's great for a 21 year old. People older than that bearly even make 6,000 a year.

Yes, my parents only make slightly more than that a year and they both work.


$50,000 a year is EXTREMELY unlikely for someone who not know which side of the number the $ sign is supposed to go on!

Yes pretty decent

Good for a just turned 21 year old with no college degree?