Unless you have several thousand pounds spare that you can afford to lose, the best way to make an actual investment out of it is to go for a unit trust. This enables you to pool your money with others and share the fees. It does mean you're putting it all in the hands of a fund manager but there are hundreds of trusts to choose from. A FTSE index-tracker does best about 75% of the time and that's even cheaper because it requires no thought - the fund manager just buys shares in every company on the index. I've done rather well out of just doing that.
You "understand the risks and know where to get financial news from" yet you don't know how to choose a brokerage? Better study some more first.
go with fidelity or schwab, that is their main line of business
I'm a 20 year old hoping to get started with investing in shares. I understand the risks and know where to get financial news from. I bank with nationwide and they seem to offer the ability to buy shares. Has anyone done it through nationwide and can you recommend it?
If not, what is a good website to buy/trade in shares? I am an amateur !