> Is gold as an investment a good option?

Is gold as an investment a good option?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Wel Gold works opposite of the economy. If economy booming gold goes down. If economy doing bad Gold going up.

Reason is when economy is bad people dont trust the current curency. And all go towards Gold because no matter if Country falls apart Gold wont. But now on other side if Economy booming nobody is afraid and trust their current currency and no demand for gold so gold prices go down.

So in short if you think the economy will do bad invest in gold if you think it will do good then dont invest in gold.


It is said by some financial consultant that purchase of gold for investment purposes is not good.

NO It's a bad idea. The value goes up and down

like a yo-yo over many years. It should only make

up a small portion of your overall investments.