> Is it safe to invest in american companies/ america?

Is it safe to invest in american companies/ america?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
If you make a comparison between countries, and I mean debt in relationship to other factors such as GDP (gross domestic product), total money in savings and investments, cash, etc- you find the US debt is well down the list and in relative safety compared to other major industrial nations. If you only compare total dollars debt, it's at the top, but that is not a parameter that is relative to the debt load and thus not relevant to the security of investing in this economy, that is a factor related to it's physical infrastructure and economic size.

Forget this stupid nonsense of the dollar collapsing! It's used for trade around the world - it's backed by the largest economy in the world. The farms,factories, and hard-working US working population is the true wealth of the US - not the dollar balances in international banks.

What does that mean? Halve the value of the US dollar against other countries and US exports would swamp the world. Boeing would crush Airbus. Food exports would crush other countries. US gasoline would be exported. The world can't stand a collapse of the dollar because it would destroy their ability to export manufactured goods to the US. How many cars could Korea, Japan, Germany, UK sell if their cars cost twice as much in dollars for US buyers?

Hi, if the US dollar collapses, then entire world economy will collapses, and in that situation keeping cash is not a smart way as well. So, don't worry too much. Build a well diversified porfolio with bonds, dividend stocks, realestate and international stocks.

And in your stock portfolio, have some defensive dividend growth stocks like consumer staples stocks because those stocks are usually considered as defensive and recession proof stocks, and they always have demand regardless of economy situation. Therefore, in recession, people brush their teeth, drink water and eat something to live. So, you will be collecting dividend regardless of the market situation.

Here are some example of consumer stables dividend growth stocks for long term: http://www.financejourney.com/13-consume...

Hope this helps.

You don't have to worry - if the dollar collapses, so doesn't the rest of the world's economy, so no matter where you invest, you get screwed.

Always keep a Diversifed portfolio and invest using dollar cost average. Dont focus on short term market news.

Depends on your strategy, with any investing it carries risks. If you hedge your investments or using trailing stops, you really shouldn't have to worry to much.

I have been considering investing in american companies and/or real estate, however from the 17 trillion dollar debt and what I've been reading many people predict that the dollar is going to collapse. What would be a reasonable scenario for what would happen in the aftermath if this was to happen? For instance, lets say I owned 10 houses and was leasing them out, what would happen to them if the dollar collapsed? Also, what would happen to a company like google if the dollar collapsed? Its revenue is spread internationally however it is headquartered in the us and has the majority of its liquid assets in dollars if im correct? I would love to hear some opinions as a lot of information online seems quite vague/ superficial.