> Is it worth using Bit Coins?

Is it worth using Bit Coins?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Was thinking of switching to using Bit coins. If anyone who uses would tell me how it works, and how easy it is to use it? THanks

If you don't even know how it works, you should be considering "switching" to bitcoins. You can buy some and try to use them, but I wouldn't convert all of my funds into bitcoins.

Bitcoins are not a currency, rather than a highly promoted product that makes some speculators wealthy, at the expense of the little investor. E.g. on Dec. 2, 2013 bitcoins reached an all-time high of $1,235, but only 2 days later that "currency" closed at a low of only $552. Do you want to own any currency where you have no idea of what it is worth tomorrow or who even accepts it at face value?

Yes, indeed it's worth, it's the future since it's descentralized: not controlled by any bank nor institution, it's from peer to peer. An intelligent way to get out of the FIAT currency.

Here you can find information about Bitcoin:


You can buy bitcoins at:



Was thinking of switching to using Bit coins. If anyone who uses would tell me how it works, and how easy it is to use it? THanks