Netflix is tricky because the price is way ahead of its current performance as a company. Same with Amazon, same with Tesla. If you buy it now, you could be looking at a 30% or more hit if it goes down. Or maybe it will never go down and keep going up. If I knew that I'd have a lot more money than I have now.
Many stocks these days are overpriced. If you really want to invest, for the long term I would wait for a market correction. One is coming within the next few months.
One stock that is pretty safe that I like right now is AT&T symbol T. It is down a bit right now so it's at a low 9 PE. Plus it has a 5% dividend. I just increased my holding in it this morning. It's a great long term stock for a beginning investor - you can get rich in the stock market, but it is best done slowly not looking for the quick profit.
If you're a first time buyer in stocks, definitely go with the more popular things like Google or Walmart. And If you have an iPhone, check the stocks rating. Or just check it on here and kinda keep track for about a week or two, then decide which one you think is best. Stocks can definitely either make you or break you haha. Good luck!
Oversold. Wait for the drop
why or why not? looking to buy some stocks. would really like to know what are best stocks to invent in and why. heeeeeellllppp.