> Is real estate investing profitable?

Is real estate investing profitable?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Yes. Ask Donald Trump.

Well, Love big words has a point. Buy low and sell high is easy to say and sometimes impossible to do.

You will make mistakes. And some mistakes are worse than others. A really bad mistake can kill your business model and wipe out your bank account.

I seriously doubt you can be successful sitting at home (where do you live? Omaha, NE? Raleigh, NC?) and profitably buy and sell properties in NY, CA, FL and MI.

I live in Dallas, TX. If you lived here and knew the neighborhoods, physically visit the properties and know a handful of investors looking to buy, I am sure you could be successful (if you are smart, hardworking and have money).

Any area of the country that has a large inventory of properties and has a growing population would be a great candidate for your business.

Real estate wholesaling will be around as long as "private" ownership is the norm. If, and when, the government confiscates all the real estate (it has happened in the past in other places) then wholesaling will no longer be a viable business.

You are playing. Players get hurt.

Stick with something you really understand.


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I am getting into real estate investing, mostly wholesaling, where I find someone selling their property, offer an assignment of contract or land trust, then sell the home to an real estate investor. I would like to do this in California Florida New York, and Michigan. Will real estate wholesaling be around for the next 30 years. Is it a profitable business that will be around for many years?