> Is stock trading with etrade legit?

Is stock trading with etrade legit?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Im asking is stock trading with etrade real money? And if so are u aloud to withdraw money from erade and put it in a actual bank?

Is stock trading with etrade legit?

Im asking is stock trading with etrade real money? And if so are u aloud to withdraw money from erade and put it in a actual bank?

e-Trade is legal. You send them money first to trade with and pay commissions. All money and stock in the account is yours to do with as you please. If you want to withdraw it and put in bank, you can. But if you take out all cash, you won't be able to trade unless you have stock and sell it.

If you can send at least $10,000.00. You can open a margin account. A margin account will let you buy more stock than you have cash to cover. They will cover the purchase plus commission as a interest free loan.

Don't worry about them. They will worry about you, though.

And it sounds like you expect to make money trading stocks. Buying low and selling high is easy to say and hard to do.

If you want to have a small fortune by trading stocks, start with a large fortune.

Please research this and try some play money trading. If it was easy, we'd all be millionaires.

If you use real money then yes.

Almost every online stock trading site allows you to create a practice account where you make imaginary trades and track your balance, but its not real money. The purpose of these is to get you comfortable with their platform and the trading process so that you can begin trading with real money.

Yes, you can withdraw the money and put it in a regular bank (if you're trading with a real money account).

Of course tading with E-Trade is legit, it is a registred broker/dealer and as such folows the same rules and regulations that all other broker/dealers must follow.

Like all other broker/dealers e-trade uses real money and yes when your sell or have credit in your account the money can be moved to any bank you choose.

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yea, you won't get any stock with E trade until you fork over the money to buy them

Yes it is real money, your money. You deposit funds into your account and use it to buy stocks or mutual funds. You can add to it or withdraw from it. If you bought stocks with the money in your account, you'll have to sell them to get the money back. You will also be charged a commission to buy or sell a stock so don't do it too often (take money out). There are also capital gains taxes if you sell for a profit. Short term gains (owned the stock for less than one year) get taxed at a higher rate than long term stocks (stocks you've owned for more than 1 year). They will report all trades to the IRS so don't ignore the taxes thinking no one will know.

Im asking is stock trading with etrade real money? And if so are u aloud to withdraw money from erade and put it in a actual bank?