> Is the value of money going down?

Is the value of money going down?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
The "value of money" will ALWAYS go down (we call that 'inflation') so long as people keep breeding....Why? Because nations have to PRINT extra money as the population grows to prevent the "average amount of money on Earth per person" does not DECREASE, since that would make it MORE valuable, thus causing deflation (which would require your wages to go DOWN each week to maintain parity)...

So governments (since they cannot accurately predict the birth rate) print enough extra money each day to maintain a target inflation rate of 1-2% per year....

If you had $20,000 and wanted to buy a house, the smart thing would be to invest it in Common stocks for ten years...it will grow at an average of ~7% a year (~10% with dividends), and you will more than double your money...over the same period, inflation will cause the "value" of that money to decline by an average of 1-2% each year, so you will end up with about $40,000 that has the "buying power" of roughly $34,000 in "today's dollars"...

So yes, it is well worth it!


Yes it is ture.

I would go for a travel if I have 20k bucks.

People always say to save money.

But I believe the value of money is going down.

Like how a coke used to be 10 cent and now a dollar.

How minimum wage is increasing and price of things are rising.

Is it true that $10k today is less valuable than $10k 10 years from now?

If you have $20,000 would you save it to put towards to buy a nice house 5~10 years from now?

What would you do..?