About a year ago I decided to take up a small interest of mine which is financial trading. I started off trading forex spread betting using the broker IG. I used the tradimo website to gain some substation knowledge for a beginner which allowed my to place a few trades. after winning a few and loosing many i decided to stop as I was loosing more than I wished to risk. Since then I have realised that I was to hasty to quit and the reason I was failing was because i didn't learn enough on what mattered. I have decided to start up again but I want to learn from scratch as I need to get this right. What are the best websites out there for free knowledge, or any ebooks worth trying. I am currently using GKFX CFD to place demo trades but I have a live account for micro lots when I feel ready. As i mentioned i was using tradimo.com which was a great source of info with both video and written tutorials. Also what are the most important things i should be learning! I will eventually invest money into my learning but for now I just want to learn the free stuff to get me started! Hopefully someone can help.
A slight side note, I run a mac with windows on it but it would be handy to know a good Trading platform like MT4 for Mac.