> Manual trading or auto-trading?

Manual trading or auto-trading?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Do you suggest manual trading or auto-trading using trading robots?

Its always better to do manual trading compare to auto trading as there might be risk in auto trading sometimes you should study market well and then go for manual trading

The robots don't stick around long enough to be evaluated.

The active word in your question is "trading."

From one mentor:

Most traders we speak with have learning curves that have cost them between $15,000 and $70,000 and up to two years in time.

Worse, 85% of new traders fail. Still sound "perfect?"

I don't suggest "trading" at all. Learn investing first. Forex is the worst possible market you could choose for a beginner. Just so we're clear, forex is not investing. It is an advanced trading arena with the hottest traders in the world with the biggest computers and the most robust trading algorithms just waiting to take your money.

Check out www.investlikeme.blogspot.com. There is an article on getting started in the market and how to read a stock profile. The author also shares his own personal portfolio which you can follow along with on twitter.

Do you suggest manual trading or auto-trading using trading robots?