> Please! I need help finding a stock photo of...?

Please! I need help finding a stock photo of...?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
No such stock photos out there for free. Why don't you simply ask your nerdy boyfriend to find a hot looking guy and get him to hold a homework book whilst he is dressed in only his swimming trunks and you can buy him a milk shake for his trouble. Far cheaper and easier.

Step 1: Go to gym

Step 2: Find ideal dude among dudes

Step 3: Talk to dude, tell situation, or perhaps flirt

Step 4: ???

Step 5: Profit

I need help finding a stock photo of a really hot guy holding a paper/homework/book and looking up. Muscles, nice build. Like, specifically this. I can find pictures of guys with homework, or just pictures of hot guys, but not both. Please help me with this. I'm trying to make a meme for a graduation card for someone.